Saturday, October 31, 2009

Instant Replay in MLB

Baseball, America’s favorite pasttime, has become a little more complicated over the years. Not only are their controversies over performance-enhancers and bad ownership, but now there’s the problem with the lack of instant replay. But umpires seem to be getting worse and worse, and there’s something that needs to be done. If I can disagree with a call while sitting in the nosebleed section on $6 student night, why can’t they see what’s going on right in front of their faces?

Sure, there’s the occasional miscalled ball or strike, but the real problem is what’s happening on the field. Sometimes there are calls that are too close to tell, and given the numerous camera angles at the game, there should be someone who is able to review them in these instances.

There have been several instances during the World Series that required a review of the play. I understand that the need for replays could get complicated, and could lead to a disagreement among referees (whether it’s happening too much, not enough, etc.), but maybe it could be enforced only during World Series games to start, and when deemed extremely necessary.

I understand the need of wanting to keep baseball the way it is and not complicate it, but I think there should be changes, especially when considered necessary.

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