Monday, October 19, 2009

A Tough Week for the Redskins

Oh man. Here we go again. We gave the Lions, the Panthers and now the Chiefs their first win of the season. Teams that haven’t won games in a year or so. Your teams hitting a rough patch? Need an easy win? Play the Redskins!

But seriously…during the Chiefs game, the one that Zorn replaced Jason Campbell with backup quarterback Todd Collins, and the Redskins lost… it seemed to be a turning point for Vinny Cerrato. Instead of firing Zorn, which owner Dan Snyder has made clear he does not want to do, he just got his play calling duties taken away from him. They were given to none other than Sherm Lewis.

I’m not quite sure I understand this. Isn’t the main duty of the head coach to call the plays? If that’s taken away from Zorn, the only thing he has left is call timeouts and throw the challenge flag, and I’m not even sure he knows how to do that correctly.

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